Monday, May 13, 2013

NLOC performs at the GFO (Governor's Fishing Opener)

What an exciting weekend Park Rapids, MN had!  It began Thursday, May 9 and went through Saturday May 11 when Park Rapids hosted the Governor's Fishing Opener. This is a huge media event bringing in media from all over the state of Minnesota and other states as well.  Yes, the Governor caught a walleye at approximately 12:15 a.m. Saturday morning!  We still had ice on most of the area lakes - making this difficult for the fishing guide, Jason Durham.

The fishing might not have been the greatest...BUT, the community picnic in downtown Park Rapids was one of the most fun and well-attended events!!  And, NLOC was proud to be a part of the celebration!

Many of our volunteers and actors turned out to work the day from set-up to take-down and the performances in between.  Our characters from "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown" performed mini comic strip like vignettes!

We handed out candy and told the people passing by of our 2013 season with  productions of "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown" and "Carousel."  It's going to be a great season!!

Other things of interest happening for NLOC:

•Greg Paul will be the stage director for “You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown”.  Brian Ahart will be our new tech director for “Charlie Brown” and Brian will also be assistant tech director for “Carousel”.
•The new music director for “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown” will be Jason Wright.
•Steevie Johnson, as mentioned in April, will be an intern from the University of Minnesota, Morris.  She wants to be involved in all aspects of production.
•A hybrid position of Stage Manager/Asst. Director will be Lucas Skjaret from Long Lake, MN.  He is  graduating in theatre arts and Scandinavian Studies at UND.

It won't be too long before "June is Bustin' Out All Over!"

Good grief, Charlie Brown!

Hope to see you at each production!

Monday, April 1, 2013

President Emerita recipient - Pat Light


    Twelve years ago several friends got together because they wanted to bring quality stage performances to the Park Rapids area.
Bob and Pat Light were two of eleven who met at home of Oscar and Pat Pederson to form Northern Light Opera Company (NLOC). Meeting in people’s homes, NLOC has grown into a sustaining organization bringing quality performances to the community of Park Rapids and beyond its boundaries.
This year the NLOC board members voted at its March 20 meeting to bestow the honor of President Emerita to Pat Light for all the volunteer work she has done for NLOC and her dedication to the organization. Pat Light served as NLOC president in 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010.
On Saturday, March 30 several NLOC board members vistied Pat at her home to present her with the Emerita award.
For anyone attending a NLOC production the past 12 years, greeted at the doors where Bob and Pat Light served as house managers greeting everyone as they walked into the theater. Bob and Pat elegantly dressed, made you feel that you were going to be treated to a special evening. 
“Pat Light is a lady in the truest sense of the word, when she took the stage to make introductions or greeted people at the door in her formal wear, you just know you were witnessing something important,” said current NLOC president, Lou Schultz. 
Not only were they greeters, but the Light’s were in the first NLOC production of “Trial by Jury” in 2002. They were also in “Amahl and the Night Visitors” and in “Oklahoma.” 
Pat Light was one of several organizers of the NLOC fund raising galas, a community event to highlight upcoming NLOC productions. Not only did she organize, but for many years she helped with menu planning and with food preparation for the events.
“No matter how well done any event was, Pat added a touch of class on top of everything else,” Schultz said. “Her service to Northern Light Opera Company and the community of Park Rapids is unmatched.”

Good Grief, Charlie Brown!!!

Announcing the cast of "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown"
(drumroll, please...):

LUCY: Libby Sorenson
SALLY: Faith Kern
CHARLIE: Hawken Paul
SNOOPY: Brandon Haller
LINUS: Lewis Johnson
SCHROEDER: Joe Bolling
PIGPEN: Jimmy Farmer
FRIEDA: Coral Johnson

In the words of director, Greg Paul: "...let me say how thrilled I am to have had so many talented young actors attend the auditions... You guys make it tough for me! There is so much talent and so many possibilities!"

We're pretty excited. Good grief.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Carousel and You're A Good Man Charlie Brown

It's time once again for Northern Light Opera Company to be holding auditions for its 2013 season!  It is hard to believe that a year has passed!  This means that winter's grip will soon be over an spring and summer will soon be upon us!!  YAY!

NLOC auditions March 23 through March 25

      When preparing for an audition, a lurking question is, “Who are the characters and what part should I audition for?”
      This weekend the Northern Light Opera Company will be holding auditions at Calvary Lutheran Church for its summer musicals “Carousel” and “You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown.”
To help make preparations for auditions, the list of major roles and approximate ages in “Carousel” are:
Billy Bigelow - (20’s-30’s. Baritone.) Charismatic carousel barker, a bit of a rogue; a tragic figure who is basically good at heart, but who has never learned to control his violent outbreaks; yearns for freedom;
Julie Jordan - (20’s. Soprano.) Very shy but headstrong millworker who falls for Billy; “complex, quieter, deeper;”
Carrie Pipperidge - (20’s. Alto.) “naive, direct, normal young woman,” Julie’s friend, who wants to become Mrs. Snow;
Enoch Snow - (20’s-40. Tenor.) Ambitious fisherman, who has his whole life planned out. Firm beliefs in what is proper and good;
Nettie Fowler (30’s-60’s. Mezzo.) Julie’s older wiser cousin (aunt?), who runs a local eatery. A big organizer of events and well-liked;
Jigger Craigin (20’s-30’s. Baritone.) A good-for-nothing sailor, who dabbles in criminal endeavors;
Mrs. Mullin (35-50) Owner of the Carousel, who has complicated relationship with Billy, her employee;
Mr. Bascombe (40-75) Owner of the Mill, strict and respected by community;
Starkeeper (??) A heavenly figure, Kapra-esque. Folksy;
Louise (14-18) Billy and Julie’s daughter, free-spirited and troubled. Dances;
Enoch Snow Jr. (15-20) Enoch and Carrie’s son, in love with Louise, but not allowed to associate with her because of strict upbringing; and
Policeman (30-65) Friendly but tough on Billy and Jigger.
There are also plenty of cameo roles, and many chorus scenes. The above listed characters represent the leads and supporting characters.
The cast needed for “You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown,” include; Charlie Brown, Linus Van Pelt, Lucy Van Pelt, Snoopy, Sally, Schroeder and various cameo roles.
Sides for “Carousel” are available at Beagle Books in Park Rapids.
What are sides? Sides are unique pages, usually taken out of a script in order to help the actor prepare for the audition. The sides are the most important thing that helps the actor to rehearse the part.
See the NLOC website at for audition dates and times.

Monday, December 10, 2012

NLOC receives and OXCAR

Northern Light Opera Company, of Park Rapids,  received an “Oxcar” award for their set designs at the Oxcar Award Ceremony held at the New City Ballroom in Bemidji, on Saturday, December 8. Collin Perry, from NLOC, was honored with an award for his work on set designs. Perry has been working with NLOC and set designs for many years. 

Pat and Paul Dove attended the event, and so did Gail Haller and Brian Ahert, as well as Collin Perry!  Gail performed for the event representing NLOC.  Thank you to Gail!

Two general categories were included in the recognition ceremony: Awards for established works and for emerging works produced by non professional Region 2 Arts Area theater organizations and individuals. Recognition for work in the areas of production, design, direction, performance, and special citations (determined by a group of 8 volunteer evaluators). The official “Oxcar” is a Blue Ox a familiar figure in Bemidji, MN. 

Congratulations to Collin and Northern Light Opera Company!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Of Thee I Sing performance

"Of Thee I Sing" to be performed
In this an election year, when many advertisements, television broadcasts, commentaries, etc. for candidates running for public office over-inundates people, either for or against a particular candidate, Northern Light Opera Company will put a humorous spin on the political "circus."

If you find current politics intriguing, don’t miss the one-time performance of George and Ira Gershwin’s "Of Thee I Sing" at Armory Square, in Park Rapids, on Saturday, September 22, at 7:30 p.m.

For the first time in 20 years the Armory in Park Rapids will be used to host an event. This is very exciting for the city of Park Rapids - to watch a piece of the city's history come back to life and to be a vibrant part of  downtown!

The story line of this satirical musical, set on American politics in the 1930s, has John P. Wintergreen, running for President of the United States on the "love" platform. However, when he falls in love with sensible Mary Turner instead of Diana Devereaux, the beautiful pageant winner selected for him, he finds himself in political hot water.
Congress, the U.S. Supreme Court, the Presidency, and the democratic process itself are all targets of this satire and specific political parties are not identified.

"Of Thee I Sing" was the first American musical with a consistently satirical tone to win the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, in 1932.

NLOC presents the concert version - main characters and a chorus to provide the entertainment. Although there will be no sets or costumes, the audience will be surprised at how eerily some of the productions jokes seem to take precise aim, from decades back, at current affairs.

Tickets for "Of Thee I Sing" are available at Beagle Books or by calling 866-766-7372. Seating is limited, so get your tickets early.

This activity is funded, in part, by a Region 2 Arts Council grant through an appropriation by the MN State Legislature and the Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund passed by MN voters on November 4, 2008 and also sponsored in part by Park Rapids Community Development Corporation.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Last performance

We just gave our 5th performance of the Sound of Music. We have put in many hours, a lot of heart and soul, and just about everything we have within us to make this story come alive!  It is bittersweet that tomorrow night, Saturday, August 4 will be our last show for Northern Light Opera Company's 2012 show.

I have heard so many wonderful comments and praise of our efforts!  We wouldn't be able to do what we do without an audience - you make our performance alive.  When you laugh, cry, sing-a-long...we know we have touched your heart!

I wish to thank Lisa Dove, Greg Paul, Paul and Pat Dove, the NLOC board, the cast, the stage crew, the orchestra and anyone else involved with this production!!  I deeply appreciate your time and love of live theatre!

And, to our audience - many thanks for coming to the show - there is one more to see - don't miss it!!  We do what we do - for you!

We look forward to providing  you with more great talent when we perform "Of Thee I Sing" on Sept. 22 at the Armory in Park Rapids and when we have our fund raising Soiree on Sept. 29!

Please come to our fianl performance of the Sound of Music, Saturday, August 4 at 7:30 at the Park Rapids High School!

Jennie Anderson
Publicity and Marketing Director, NLOC