Monday, December 10, 2012

NLOC receives and OXCAR

Northern Light Opera Company, of Park Rapids,  received an “Oxcar” award for their set designs at the Oxcar Award Ceremony held at the New City Ballroom in Bemidji, on Saturday, December 8. Collin Perry, from NLOC, was honored with an award for his work on set designs. Perry has been working with NLOC and set designs for many years. 

Pat and Paul Dove attended the event, and so did Gail Haller and Brian Ahert, as well as Collin Perry!  Gail performed for the event representing NLOC.  Thank you to Gail!

Two general categories were included in the recognition ceremony: Awards for established works and for emerging works produced by non professional Region 2 Arts Area theater organizations and individuals. Recognition for work in the areas of production, design, direction, performance, and special citations (determined by a group of 8 volunteer evaluators). The official “Oxcar” is a Blue Ox a familiar figure in Bemidji, MN. 

Congratulations to Collin and Northern Light Opera Company!!