Thursday, May 10, 2012


I am usually a patient person, but waiting for the results of the auditions for The Sound of Music has been making me a bit impatient!  There are several details that go into casting a production, getting the right person for the part, their interaction with others being cast, can the sing or not, can they act or not, and can they take direction. Our director, Lisa Dove, has had difficult decisions casting this year's production. And, she wanted to make sure that everyone she contacted was still willing to take the part they wanted or tried our for.  One of the "Maria's" who was offered the part decided it wasn't going to work out - back to the drawing board. So, we have had a bit of a delay in announcing the cast.

I am reminded of the song "Anticipation" by Carly Simon...

"Anticipation, anticipation
Is makin' me late
Is keepin' me waitin'...."

I'm not really late for anything, but this sure is keeping me well as it is for the entire cast!

We have a stage manager...Gail Haller.  Gail auditioned, but decided this year to be a part of the stage crew!!  Bless her - this is no easy task! 

Keep spreading the word...this is going to be a fantastic show!!  Stay tuned...


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