Thursday, July 26, 2012

Dress rehearsal

Tonight is the last night we get a run-through - it's dress rehearsal night!  Full costume, full make-up, with every cast member waiting in the wings waiting for their turn on stage!  The pit orchestra will be in place by 6:30, warming and tuning, while the cast puts on the finishing touches!

Then, it's curtain stopping tonight. We will go straight through. A dropped line, a dropped's all part of live theater!  Tonight we work the final "bugs" out and prepare ourselves for opening night.

Our stage crew has done phenomenal job on the sets and backdrops - you feel as if you are in Austria, in the Von Trapp home, and in the abbey. I can't say enough at how exquisite the sets are. This is small town Park Rapids, MN. And, we know how to do it BIG!!  This is a big city production!!

Lisa Dove, director; Paul Dove, music director, and Gail Haller, stage manager have made our cast come alive - and just wait until you see our Maria and Captain Von Trapp!  The nuns, the Nazis, the children, Max, Elsa, the house staff, Rolf, Mother Abbess...they will delight the audience!!!  Everyone in the cast has done an excellent job making their character come to life for the audience.

And this production wouldn't be possible without those behind the scenes working on the sets and costumes.  They have put in countless hours (personally, I think they have been living at the high school to get all of this put together!).

I also have to acknowledge the NLOC board, as they have worked hard to help promote and raise funds for our productions!! Ad the funding from the R2AC which also makes these shows possible!!!

You will be amazed and entertained!  Please come, and enjoy the show!!

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